

Irène Philips - A SEE OF PEOPLE 1 - Indian ink with brush on paper, 100 x 70 cm, 2010
Irène Philips - A SEE OF PEOPLE 2 - Indian ink with brush on paper, 100 x 70 cm, 2010
Irène Philips - RETURN TO THE SOURCE - Indian ink with brush on paper, 56 x 19 cm, 2010
Irène Philips - RETURN TO THE SOURCE - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2010
Irène Philips - PATTERN OF CONVERSATION - Indian ink with brush on paper, 65 x 48 cm, 2011 - Exists as monumental canvas, acrylic paint, 200 x 300 cm, 2011
Irène Philips - GOD'S EYE? - Indian ink with brush on paper, 58 x 38 cm, 2010
Irène Philips - THE PRISONER - Indian ink with brush on paper, 65 x 48 cm, 2010 - Exists as monumental canvas, acrylic paint, 200 x 400 cm, 2011
Irène Philips, THE WAY OF THE CROSS OF JESUS, THE 14 STATIONS - Indian ink with brush on paper, 14 x A6 format, 2016
Irène Philips - CROWN OF THORNS - Indian ink and bister with brush on paper, 40 x 40 cm, 2016
Irène Philips - VERA ICON - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2016
Irène Philips, CARD GAME 1 - Indian ink with brush on paper, 56,5 x 38 cm, 2011
Irène Philips, CARD GAME 2 - Indian ink with brush on paper, 56,5 x 38 cm, 2011
Irène Philips, THE TOWN - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 50 cm, 2010
Irène Philips - DOMINO - Acrylic painting on canvas, 215 x 138 cm, 2011 - Exists as a Indian ink drawing on paper, 34 x 54 cm, 2009
Irène Philips - THE PASSAGE - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2014
Irène Philips - THE BRIDGE - Indian ink, white ink and bister with brush on paper, 38 x 56 cm, 2012
Irène Philips - LAST GREETING - Indian ink on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2016
Irène Philips - MOTHER GODDESS - Indian ink with brush on paper, 38 x 56 cm, 2011
Irène Philips - THE GREAT LACK  - Indian ink with brush on paper, 57 x 38 cm, 2011
Irène Philips - HARP IN THE HANDS OF WIND -  F.Pessoa - Indian ink on paper,  78 x 57,5 cm, 2016
Irène Philips - THE BAIT - Indian ink and acrylic paint with brush on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2011
Irène Philips - A TURNING WORLD 1 - Indian ink with brush on cardboard, diameter 30 cm
Irène Philips -  FEMININE DUPLICATION - Indian ink with brush on paper, 56 x 76 cm, 2012
Irène Philips - MALE DUPLICATION - Indian ink with brush on paper, 14 x 19 cm, 2012
Irène Philips - A TURNING WORLD 2 - Indian ink with brush on cardboard, diameter 30 cm

Drawing, the most primal and direct form of visual expression

Tekenen, de meest primaire en directe vorm van visuele expressie

Le dessin, la forme d'expression visuelle la plus primitive et la plus directe

Irène Philips - CHEMIN DU VENT / WIND PATH - Mixed techniques on paper,  2011
Irène Philips - MILKY WAY - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper, 76 x 56 cm, 2012
Irène Philips -  WHERE TO GO? - Indian ink  with brush on paper, 78 x 57,5 cm, 2012
Irène Philips - HARP IN THE HANDS OF WIND -  F.Pessoa - Indian ink on paper, 78 x 57,5 cm, 2016
Irène Philips WHERE TO GO? - Indian ink and bister with brush on paper, 78 x 57,5 cm, 2012
Irène Philips - PHILIPS HUMAN ALPHABET - Indian ink with brush on paper, 27 x 30 cm x 40 cm, 2014
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2016
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2016
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2016


Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips - T OF TIME - variation - Indian ink with brush on paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2017
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge - OF TIME - OVER TIJD - DU TEMPS - Epigrams drawn along a life line. Mixed technique, 40 cm x 1100 cm, 2016

Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge

OF TIME - Epigrams drawn along a life line. Mixed technique, 40 cm x 1100 cm, 2016

OVER TIJD - Epigrammen uitgetekend langs een levenslijn. Gemengde techniek, 40 cm x 1100 cm, 2016

DU TEMPS - Epigrammes dessinées le long d'une ligne de vie. Technique mixte, 40 cm x 1100 cm, 2016

Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Philips & van Cauwenberge Over Tijd L
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge OVER  TIJD 2016
Irène Philips & Johan van Cauwenberge - MEDUSA - Triptych: mixed techniques, 2 x 56,5 x 50 cm, 1 x 56,5 x 76 cm, 2016
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink and bister with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink and bister with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink and bister with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink and bister with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips -  CUTTLEFISH - Indian ink with brush on paper, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2014
Irène Philips - TRACE OF LIFE - Indian ink with brush on paper and mounted on canvas, 20 cm x 60 cm, 2018
Irène Philips - CONSTRUCTION OF A PYRAMID - colored pencils on paper, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2019
Irène Philips - THE DOWN OF A COLORED PENCIL - colored pencils on paper, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2019
Irène Philips - FATHERS PENCIL - colored pencils on paper, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2019




Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink and white ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021
Irène Philips - IDENTITIES OF NUMBERS - Indian ink with brush on paper , A4 format, 2021

Sometimes my drawings serve to create paintings or sculptures, but also vice versa; sometimes my sculptures are a model for drawing or painting

Soms dienen mijn tekeningen voor het ontstaan van schilderijen of beelden maar ook omgekeerd; soms staan mijn beeldhouwwerken model bij het tekenen of schilderen

Parfois mes dessins servent à créer des peintures ou des sculptures, mais aussi vice versa ; parfois mes sculptures sont des modèles pour dessiner ou peindre